Banking services near me

A directory for your local banking services

All your local banking services in one handy place

You can now quickly and easily find your local banking services in one place to help you with banking face-to-face should you need to.

Branch banking

With branch banking you'll be able to deposit cash, make payments and transfers, use our ATM's, cash deposit machines, Coin In Machines, chat to a digital expert and more.

Learn about what you can do in your local branch here.

Can't get to a branch? Book a Video Banking or telephone banking appointment.

Video Banking calls may be recorded and service hours apply. Compatible device required.

Planning to visit on a Saturday?

Please see our branch locator for full details of opening hours for your local branch.

On Saturdays, we’ll be here to help you with any enquiries, and you can safely and easily use our automated services to:

Take out cash

Check your balance

Pay in cash or cheques

Pay bills

Transfer money between your accounts

Our counter service is available during weekdays. On Saturdays, our colleagues will be on hand to help you use our automated services.

Withdrawing cash?

Across the all of our customers have access to over 40,000 cash machines to withdraw for free.

Mobile branches

A mobile branch is a bank which comes to you and allows you to do all your usual everyday banking, like making deposits, withdrawing cash and paying bills.

They visit specific locations for up to 5 days a week throughout the year (except Christmas Day and Bank Holidays)

If you have a disability, are elderly or find it difficult to use our services, talk with our team and they’ll be happy to make reasonable adjustments to suit your needs and demonstrate how we can help

Customer Support Specialists

Our professionally qualified Customer Support Specialists are here to help make banking with us easy. 

They provide additional support when you need it

They take time to understand your personal situation

They help you access the banking services you need

They deliver events and lessons to support you with banking, money management and keeping your money safe.

Digital Lesson

Helping you get started and build confidence when banking at home with either Online Banking or the app.
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Keeping Your Money Safe

Learn how to stay safe from fraud and scams, taking you through everything you need to know.
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Financial Foundation Workshops

For anyone aged 18+ looking to improve their basic financial understanding and confidence. Speak to a Customer Support Specialist for more details.

Got any questions?

For any queries, please email the team and a Customer Support Specialist will get back to you shortly.

Anything else we can help you with?