How can we help?

Manage your mortgage online

Looking for a new deal?

If your current Ponance Bank mortgage deal is ending or you’re on Standard Variable Rate, you could switch to a better deal.

Find out more about switching your mortgage deal and get a personalised quote in just a few minutes.

Tools to help you plan

Check out our range of calculators below. They have been designed to help you better understand and manage your mortgage options.
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Overpayment calculator

Use our overpayment calculator to see how much you could save by making either extra monthly payments or paying a lump sum to your capital repayment mortgage.

Borrowing calculator

Find out how much you could borrow before you start looking for your new home.
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Mortgage rate finder

Use the mortgage rate finder to view our rates and get an indicative monthly repayment quote.

Energy saving ideas for your home

How energy efficient is your home?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rates a property's energy efficiency and could help you to buy a home that’s more energy efficient, helping to reduce your impact on the climate too.

How to reduce your energy bills

Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, you could start saving energy – and money – with these simple tips.

Energy saving changes for your home

Take a look at how you could save money in the long term with some changes to help make your home more energy efficient.

Are you a Ponance Bank One account customer?

If you have a Ponance Bank One account mortgage, get started by logging in below. You'll need your Global Key Code to proceed.

Thinking of borrowing more on your mortgage?

Borrow more on your mortgage

Achieve your future plans in the present

If you have a residential mortgage with us, in some circumstances, you could borrow up to 90% of the value of your home. 

  • Applications for additional borrowing are subject to LTV and must meet our current lending requirements
  • Minimum amount is £10,000
  • Minimum term 3 years - maximum term 35 years (maximum age 70)

Additional borrowing is available on a capital and interest repayment basis. You may be able to borrow more on an interest only basis, subject to criteria.

A guide to paying off your mortgage

Our mortgage repayment guide covers the different types of mortgage available, as well as things to consider if you're looking to pay off your mortgage early.

Is there anything else we can help you with?