Banking with us

Booking an appointment

When to book an appointment

You don’t need to book an appointment for things like paying a bill, cancelling a card or changing your address.

You can do these things on your mobile app, using Online Banking or telephone banking.

How to book an appointment

Appointment with a Mortgage Adviser?

Here is how you can book an appointment with a Mortgage Adviser.


Appointment with your Premier Banking Manager?

Here is how you can book an appointment with your Premier Banking Manager.


Appointments for anything else can be conducted by Telephone or Video Banking

You need an appointment for the following to ensure we have the right member of staff to help you:

  • free Financial Health Check of all your accounts
  • Adding additional parties to accounts
  • A review of all your accounts
  • Discussing paying off existing products such as loans or credit cards
  • Applying for new products

Book a Video Banking appointment

Book a telephone banking appointment by giving us a ring on:

UK: 03457 888 444

Next Generation Text Service (NGTS): 18001 03457 888 444

Overseas: +44 3457 888 444