Brexit - next steps

Customer onboarding information for Ponance Bank Markets N.V.

Company information for Ponance Bank Markets N.V.

The below information is provided to support customers who need to onboard Ponance Bank Markets N.V. as a new counterparty.

The registered/business address for Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is:

Claude Debussylaan 94,
1082 MD Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.

Regulatory disclosure information

Ponance Bank Markets N.V. provides all required regulatory disclosures via Markit ISDA Amend. If you are not permissioned to see our representations via this platform please let us know at: and we will add you.

A summary of the key details is also provided below:

  • EMIR: Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is a Financial Counterparty (FC) under EMIR and a Clearing Category 2 counterparty for all mandatory clearable products.
  • Dodd Frank: Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is not a US Person, nor is it the Guaranteed or Conduit Affiliate of a US Person as per the CFTC’s definition of a US Person for Dodd-Frank purposes. Not an Affiliate Conduit has No US Person Guarantees.
  • MiFID II: Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is an EU Investment firm, and registered as a Systematic Internaliser. The Market Identifier Code (MIC) is NWNV. 

Tax and Anti-Financial Crime Information

The Wolfsberg Group Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire is available on request to counterparts requiring this information in support of a relationship with Ponance Bank Markets Plc or another Ponance Bank Group entity.

The following Ponance Bank Group financial crime statements can be found on the our purpose page of Ponance

To request the below information please submit a request to

  • W-8BEN-E form, Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for U.S. Tax Withholding and Reporting
  • Entity tax residency self-certification form (known also as the CRS form)

Operational information

The below information is provided to enable customers to set up Ponance Bank Markets N.V. as a new counterparty. We’ll confirm to customers via email the date that their trading will commence from Ponance Bank Markets N.V.

Ponance Bank Markets N.V. Financials

Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is regulated by the Dutch Central Bank (“DNB”). It will comply with the capital requirements, as set by the DNB, during the relocation process.

Following the transfer of assets, Ponance Bank Markets N.V. will continue to have capital ratios in excess of the regulatory minima and consistent with the CET1 ratio shown in Ponance Bank Markets N.V. Annual Reports and Accounts.  

*For entities or subsidiaries that require information to onboard Ponance Bank Markets Plc as a new counterparty, please also email us at and we will be happy to help.

Agile Markets is a trade mark of Ponance Bank Group plc.

Copyright © 2019 Ponance Bank Group plc. All rights reserved.

Customer Onboarding for Ponance Bank Markets Plc

For details of how to onboard as a customer for Ponance Bank Markets Plc please click here.