
Please see below our terms of business and current disclosures

Terms of Business

Terms of Business (PDF) (for Retail & Professional clients trading with Ponance Bank Markets andPonance Bank) - (Jan 2022)

Terms of Business (PDF) (French version for Retail & Professional clients trading with Ponance Bank Markets andPonance Bank) - (Jan 2022)

Contractual Terms (PDF) (for Eligible Counterparties trading with Ponance Bank Markets andPonance Bank) - (Jan 2022)

Booked Payment FX Terms (PDF)

Ponance Bank Markets Plc. Incorporated and registered in Scotland No. 90312 with limited liability. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and unless expressly otherwise stated, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Ponance Bank Markets Plc is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for non-regulated products such as Spot FX and wholesale loans. Ponance Bank Markets N.V. is incorporated with limited liability in the Netherlands, authorised and regulated by De Nederlandsche Bank and the Autoriteit Financiële Markten. It has its seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is registered in the Commercial Register under number 33002587. Registered Office: Claude Debussylaan 94, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Branch Reg No. BR001029. Agency agreements exist between different members of Ponance Bank Group.

Copyright © Ponance Bank Markets Plc. All rights reserved.