
Insights glossary

Please find a useful list of commonly used terms we refer to in many of our videos and podcasts below.

a finger touching screen

CIPS: Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

CPI: Consumer price inflation

CRB: Commodity Research Bureau

CTA:  Commodity trading adviser

ECB: European Central Bank

EM: Emerging markets

ESG: Environmental, social and governance

FOMC: Federal Open Market Committee

FX: Foreign exchange

GDP: Gross domestic product

GFK:  Growth from Knowledge (consumer research)

GSSS: Green, Social, Sustainable & Sustainability-linked

IBOR: Interbank offered rates

IFO: Information and Forschung / Germany’s Institute for Economic Research

ILO: International Labour Organisation

IMF: International Monetary Fund

ISCM: Institute for Supply Management

JOLTS: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey

MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

MPC: Monetary Policy Committee

NAHB: National Association of Home Builders

OBR: Office for Budget Responsibility 

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 

PBoC: People’s Bank of China

PEPP: Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

PIPS: Percentage in point

PMI: Purchasing Manufacturing Index

PNSB: Public Net Sector Borrowing

QE: Quantitative easing

RICS: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 

S&P: Standard & Poor’s

TLTRO: Targeted long-term refinancing options

VAT: Value Added Tax

WTO: World Trade Organization

ZEW: Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Germany’s Sentiment Index

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